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Up North Combine and Ad Schaerlaeckens.

Against All The Theories! No 22 DVD

Against All The Theories! No 22 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Huub Hermanns has been the No 1 fancier in the area for over 25 years. He races an unbelievable team. Huub doesn’t conform!

Belgian Masters No 8 DVD

Belgian Masters No 8 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Hugo & Frans Moris show us how to race YB's on the Widowhood.

Belgian Special No 14 DVD

Belgian Special No 14 DVD£19.99   £9.99

Janssen; Andre Roodhooft; Jos van Limpt “De Klak”; Ad Schaerlaeckens and Marc de Cock

Belgium or Britain? DVD

Belgium or Britain? DVD£16.99   £9.99

Head to head - who’s the best? You decide!
Belgium Supremo No 18 DVD

Belgium Supremo No 18 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Theo Yskout, Hulshout of Belgium. A master in the racing of hens and surpassed all rivals in National races with both young and old.

Best of Holland: Peter van den Eijnden DVD

Best of Holland: Peter van den Eijnden DVD£15.99   £9.99

Peter van den Eijnden an all time great and extreme distance maestro.

Charles Desplenter (2-disc Set) DVD

Charles Desplenter (2-disc Set) DVD£13.99   £9.99

A legend in his own lifetime.

Continental Aces No 28 DVD

Continental Aces No 28 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Brothers Pouw (Holland); Jan Kloeck and Flor Engels and Son

Famous Pigeon Vets No 45 DVD

Famous Pigeon Vets No 45 DVD£19.99   £9.99

We visit famous pigeon vets who are performing at the highest level with their own pigeons. They know how to match medical treatment with results.

Felix Pauwels (2-disc Set) DVD

Felix Pauwels (2-disc Set) DVD£15.50   £9.99

The phenomenal Felix Pauwels was one of the best sprint racer in Belgium.

Flaming Eyes...Buzzing Wings No 12 DVD

Flaming Eyes...Buzzing Wings No 12 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Nine top lofts visited

Germain Imbrecht DVD

Germain Imbrecht DVD£14.50   £9.99

Bird for bird, one of the best distance fliers Belgium has ever known.

Grand Masters No 30 DVD

Grand Masters No 30 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Maurits Voets, the champion from the famous Belgian federation Hafo Lier and Gust Cristiaens, nicknamed ‘the Wizard from Humbeek’.

Houben Dynasty No 11 DVD

Houben Dynasty No 11 DVD£16.99   £9.99

A special video devoted entirely to the famous Houben family.

How to Motivate to Win No 25 DVD

How to Motivate to Win No 25 DVD£16.99   £9.99

The Art of Motivating Your Pigeons to Win at the Distance

How To Win! - The Dutch Way No 20 DVD

How To Win! - The Dutch Way No 20 DVD£16.99   £9.99

We promise you a very exciting visit to the Bosua lofts and show you their training methods and motivation systems for hens and young birds.

Jan Grondelaer (2-disc Set) DVD

Jan Grondelaer (2-disc Set) DVD£15.50   £9.99

In his day, regarded to be the best all round fancier in Belgium.

Janssen Loft Visit No 9 DVD

Janssen Loft Visit No 9 DVD£24.99   £12.99

We offer an amazing loft visit filmed inside the Janssen loft.

Janssen Red Foxes No 19 DVD

Janssen Red Foxes No 19 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Late Freek Romein founded the International breeding centre Frederikshof. This video is a must for Janssen fans.
Jewel in the Crown No 6 DVD

Jewel in the Crown No 6 DVD£15.50   £9.99

A  visit the loft of Raoul & Xavier Verstraete, Jan Theelen, Andre Roodhoft and Luc Sioen & Deng Fu Chuang
Jos Thone No 7 DVD

Jos Thone No 7 DVD£16.99   £9.99

An entire video devoted to Belgium's 'wonder boy' Jos Thone.

Karel Schellens & De Zutter No 29 DVD

Karel Schellens & De Zutter No 29 DVD£17.99   £9.99

Karl Schellens is one of the most famous fanciers of all times. DeZutter and Son ... for 5 years dominated the championships of Kureghem Centre and L’Entente Belge.

Keep 'em Healthy DVD

Keep 'em Healthy DVD£24.50   £9.99

"An excellent production. Every fancier should have this video. The
section on canker/trichomoniasis is worth the price of the video alone" -
Geoff Kirkland.

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