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Keep Pigeons Healthy by Peter Boskamp [Book]

Keep Pigeons Healthy by Peter Boskamp [Book]


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In stock, IMMEDIATE DESPATCH unless stated otherwise.


Item Code:  BK027

This practical book, written by veterinarian Peter Boskamp is a reflection of his ideas and approach that also underlie the Bony Farma product line.

The medical supervision of pigeon traditionally focuses on the healing of sick birds. Also preventive medications are often used. The high infection pressure during races allows the use of drugs is often necessary. The pigeon sport is sport and a small deviation means that one is beyond price. The current legislation makes it difficult to professional medical support of the sport.

This book explains the underlying thoughts on increasing the general resistance. In addition, the roads that can bring about the resistance of the pigeons to a higher level to ultimately reduce the (increasing) dependency on drugs.

In the book is discussed that one should bear all care besides caring for sick animals to health care of the pigeons. Only when the health of the pigeons is optimal, one can bring the pigeons in shape with supporting means in such a way that the performance that are desired, can be provided.

Veterinarian MSc Peter Boskamp studied veterinary medicine at Utrecht University. After graduation he worked in a number of practises such as a clinic in Amsterdam that provided medical care for Artis Zoo. This interesting period came to an end when he decided to take over a clinic for mostly farm animals in Woerden with a colleague. In 1987, he decided to return to his native region with his young family. The Veterinary Medical Centre Beek was founded in 1987 in the town of Beek in South Limburg. Around 20 people currently work in the centre, of which 5 are veterinarians.

During the study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the focus mainly lied on the regular side of veterinary medicine. There was little attention for other existing possibilities within Veterinary Medicine. This is not surprising, because the government actively promoted the influence of the (pharmaceutical) industry in universities in the 1980s. (Subtle) influence can obviously never be ruled out in this way (‘who pays the piper, calls the tune’). For this reason, Peter actively worked on (independently) studying the other possibilities offered by (veterinary) medicine after his study to broaden his insight into these possibilities. Topics studied included phytotherapy, homeopathy and orthomolecular medicine.

It became apparent that we shouldn’t only continue to focus on regular (veterinary) medicine, which is predominantly aimed at sick care. It’s actually the synergy, offered by the different possible movements within veterinary medicine that creates opportunities to achieve optimal health care. This insight quickly lead to the development of honest, natural remedies that could contribute to the wellbeing of the animals.

A complete array of natural remedies was developed for pigeons. Bony Farma B.V. was founded to guarantee the professional production of these remedies. This firm ensures the ideas of veterinarian Boskamp regarding health care can take shape.

The vision regarding health care is further elaborated on in this book. A conscious decision was made to not describe the products as Bonyfarma manufactures them, but to explain the underlying ideas in more detail to enable everyone to make a deliberate decision on whether this vision could be the best one for him or her. The author hopes the increased insight after reading the book feeds the conviction of the reader that we should focus more on the health care than on sick care (mainly antibiotics use), which is often still conventional.

Hardback; 210 pages

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