Home > Loft Equipment > Nestbowls
Deluxe Disposable Nestbowl with Lifting Holes£1.50 £0.99
Superior quality.
E-Z Deluxe Nestbowl£4.50
High-quality nest bowl, smooth finish with thick-walled design.
Plastic Nestbowl "Adele" with Nesting Material Holding Ring£1.45
Low-priced 'no-frills' plastic nestbowl with ring to hold newspaper or nesting material in place
Plastic Nestbowl "Sarah" with Centre 'Cushion'£2.25
Nestbowl with removable centre section to attach 'cushion' of material for warmth and confort.
Plastic Nestbowl "Tracy"£1.25
Budget price, but not budget quality.